How to Get Expansion Capital in the Time of COVID

Not everyone is thinking only about surviving due to the current situation. Some companies have benefited from the change in circumstances and are thinking about expanding. Here’s some information about how the effects of the pandemic can be a unique opportunity to expand and how alternative lending options may be creating the perfect window to expand where many others have to contract.

Expansion in the Time of COVID

There are many out there that see the opportunities that COVID presents rather than only focusing on the downsides. It’s generally true that any change in circumstance for the economy, especially one as major as this one, can potentially represent a shift that opens a rare door.

Media Opportunities

The situation is somewhat dependent on your industry, but if you’re in one that is focusing on expansion, then now is a great time to strike, especially if your industry happens to be in media that can be consumed at home.

For example, Netflix is expanding rather than contracting with everyone staying at home with little to do compared to what they were doing before. Their revenues have been way up. This means that any at-home media sector could use this unique opportunity to expand, and alternative loan sources could be ideal to do so.

Some examples among many could include-

  • Gaming- Any company that deals in games of any kind could see opportunities here. For example, in March 2020, going from one week where there was no quarantine to one that was, there was a jump in gaming time of 45 percent. The potential revenue increase for those who have an add-on business model for gaming such as extra downloadable content, live events, subscriptions, and so on is considerable.
  • Streaming Videos-Streaming services like Twitch, YouTube, Hulu, and so on were all up. Any companies with any kind of streaming subscription service or pay by video model will likely be experiencing a boom. Many of these companies are thinking of an expansion, including Netflix, of course. However, any company, no matter how small, could benefit from this balloon in demand. They could especially benefit from some extra funds to fuel their expansion.
  • Other Media Content-In general, according to com, media content through video has gone up by 60%, which again, is an unheard-of rate. One thing is for certain, this boom represents a period with a beginning and an end. If you have thoughts of expansion due to what the event is creating, it’s best not to sit on it too long or it may become too late.

Cleaning Products

Due to the situation, demand for hand sanitizer, face masks, and anything related is way up. Purell, Clorox, Lysol, and others are soaring these days. Clorox in particular is increasing their production for products like disinfectant wipes.

However, any company that can connect itself to protection from CIVD in any way could ride the times to a considerable degree past what you might think is possible. People are desperate for products that get rid of the virus wherever it may be.

They are desperate for any kind of physical protection from the virus, including not just face masks, but plastic face shields, full-body coverings with disinfectant properties, and anything else related.

Canned Products and Anything That Keeps

Many people are also concerned about having enough to eat for the long haul, and storing necessities like toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water, and anything else related to this. As a result, it’s likely that any company, no matter how big or small, that produces products of this nature could be seeing a boom in business, with opportunities opening up everywhere for those who take advantage with some extra capital and expand.

Potentially Any Industry

For companies that look hard enough, there may be more opportunities than you think regardless of the industry. Many companies have changed their models a bit to focus on delivery, remote service, or ensuring that customers can get the products and services they need in a safe manner with proper guidelines followed by the CDC.

Companies in almost any industry that can make customers feel safe and secure while getting what they need will end up ahead. This is an advantage in the sense that you know exactly what you need to do to capture more market share and explore an opportunity not available before.

The key is to take advantage before time runs out on this unique situation that gives you an edge.

Finding The Perfect Funding for the Situation

Since the situation is so unique, you will need unique lending companies with flexible funding to make sure your company can achieve its goals for expansion with the right source of expansion capital. Here are some categories for finding the best companies, like Moby Capital, to help you out.

Checking Reviews

Make sure to check review sites like TrustPilot to make sure you have the lending company that you want. For example, Moby Capital has a high rating on Trust Pilot, and everyone rated us as “excellent.” It’s also a good sign when many reviews are invited by the company, meaning they are confident in their services enough to invite reviews from their customers.

You can check more specifics about the companies this way as well, like what the individual was looking for, and what kind of response they got from that.

If you do it this way you will often have a good chance of finding someone who is also running a business that is seeking out funds in a similar way as you. It’s often going to be the closest that you’re going to get to see how your own experience might be without actually doing it yourself.

Looking at Outcomes like $1 Billion in Funds Secured

Scrolling through what kind of outcomes customers had at a lending company could also be an excellent guide for whether that company would work out for you. For example, Moby Capital has helped its customers secure $1 billion in expansion and other kinds of funds over just a single decade.

If a lending company can help people get that much money over that short a time, it’s often a good sign that you’ll be able to do the same.

Going with Simple and Effective

If you find yourself having trouble getting through the forms for application, or even finding them on the web page in the first place, then this is a bad sign. Some companies make you go through form after form, wait for weeks or longer to even hear a response, and speak to you in riddles when you do finally get to hear from them.

However, at places like Moby Capital, the links to applications and getting funding are prominently displayed. The form only takes literally about a minute to fill out, and from there, things move speedily. Then, you need only talk to an expert and then receive your funds after approval. There is nothing extra to do or worry about. There are no other complications. It’s that straightforward.

Getting Up to $5 Million in Just a Single Business Day

It’s especially important to move quickly with expansion capital when you are trying to ride the best part of a trend like this lockdown. Companies that make you wait for months aren’t going to cover it. However, at Moby Capital, you can get funds as quickly as just one business day. There are few other companies in the industry that can get you your funding this quickly.

This could be important if you have an expansion plan that requires that you act quickly. The general opportunity from COVID is only going to be open an unspecified amount of time overall, with even less time before other companies jump on the opportunity before you do. However, some opportunities that you may come across have even shorter windows.

On top of that, the faster you get started, the more of a head start you can get to make sure that your expansion has the time it needs to succeed. Moby also has the ability to draw on deep pockets, unlike many other companies. Your business could receive up to $5 million to fund its expansion.

Experts, Flexibility, and Other Factors

On top of all this, Moby Capital also has trained experts with considerable experience to help you get the exact flexible funding sources that you need. This could include SBA loans, invoice factoring, merchant cash advances, or business lines of credit, based on what experts at Moby Capital determine would be the best possible fit for your specific expansion plans during this unique time period.

Getting Started

It’s important you act quickly and contact us today in order to get started as quickly as possible. The faster you contact us, the faster we can make sure that we consult with you about your potential loan. Since this can take as little as one day, you could have the capital for your project much faster than you might think.

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